December 1-2. 2023., Budapest, Törley Sparkling Wine Cellar

Prezentări științifice

I. Callus Scientific Conference and the traditional XV. Denti Symposium and Friend’s Meeting


The event was led by: Habil Dr. ÁRPÁD JOÓB-FANCSALY, section president

Morning Greeting: NÓRA VAJDOVICH
The event was opened by Nóra Vajdovich, who greeted the participants and briefly reviewed the theme of the symposium. He presented the plans of our AIM (Applied Implantology Mastery) educational institution for next year.

Prof. Dr. ISTVÁN VAJDOVICH: Brief historical presentation of Dental Implantology in Hungary
The professor provided a comprehensive historical overview of the development of dental implantology in Hungary.

Prof. Dr. ATES PARLAR: Soft Tissue Management – Aesthetic and Functional Aspects
The presentation highlighted the importance of the success of dental implant therapy not only in the original bone integration, but also in stable soft and hard tissues. Patients can count not only on the improvement of long-term functions, but also on the aesthetic result.

Dr. ATTILA MÜHL: Digital Session for optimizing soft tissue closure
The presentation detailed the digital applications of the Callus system in the design and manufacture of modern dental prostheses. He technically presented the steps to optimize the soft tissue around the implants.

Dr. ADÉL NÉMETH: Surface chemistry – The key to the new generation of dental implants
The presentation focused on the surface chemical properties of dental implants, with particular attention to the changes that occur during anodization. He analyzed in detail the correlations of these changes with soft tissue adhesion.

Dr. LAJOS PATONAY: Sinus Lifting from Another Point of View
The presentation approached sinus lifting surgeries in a unique way, presenting different techniques with the help of videos and anatomical diagrams.

Dr. IVÁN MANDEL: Modern Treatment of Periimplantitis
The presentation summarized the current state of peri-implantitis treatment, highlighting new therapeutic guidelines and technologies.

Dr. ZOLTÁN PATONAI: Challenges, Pitfalls, Beauties of Immediate Implantation
The presentation discussed the challenges and beauties of front-line implantation, focusing on the importance of immediate temporary replacement and tissue replacement.

Dr. MÁRTON KIVOVICS: Statically Navigated Surgery with Callus Pro Implants
The presentation presented the advantages of statically navigated surgeries using Callus Pro implants, emphasizing the importance of digital dentistry and virtual patient images.

Dr. ZOLTÁN NYÁRÁDY: Dynamic Navigation in Dental Implantology
The last lecture dealt with dynamic navigation, explaining in detail the benefits and applications in the field of dental implantation.

Roundtable Discussions / E-poster Evaluations – Awards
The scientific program was concluded with round table discussions and e-poster evaluations, where prizes were awarded in recognition of outstanding achievements. Details: Evaluation of e-posters and prize distribution

Gala Dinner and Winery Tour
At the end of the day, the participants could take part in a pleasant gala dinner and a cellar tour, a fitting end to the jubilee symposium.